A cataract is one of the most common eye conditions in the world, where a dense, cloudy area forms in the lens of your eye(s), thus affecting your vision, and sometimes, can even lead to blindness.
Usually, this condition affects people as they age and grow older, causing a faded, blurry vision. However, it can be caused by trauma and injuries as well. Patients may also have trouble seeing at night or trouble seeing in bright light.
The Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) is the only lens which is specifically adjusted for you after your cataract surgery. It is the first of its kind, allowing your doctor to design your lens and customize it for you. What is different about the LAL is that it is customizable to your eye.
The Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) is FDA-approved, so you don’t have to worry about how safe or effective it is for you. In fact, in a study which was conducted by the FDA involving a total of 600 subjects, those subjects with LAL implanted in their eyes were twice as likely to achieve 20/20 vision without requiring glasses, as opposed to those subjects which received a normal monofocal IOL.